The former vice president’s campaign slammed Donald Trump for being on foreign soil on Memorial Day and embracing an insult from North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
Author: John Fritze, USA TODAY
Trump’s Japan trip: Blasts Biden, Democrats, Mueller while bringing politics to world stage
Trump doubled down on his criticism of Democrat Joe Biden, telling an international audience he agree with an insult from North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
President Trump blasts Fox News, Joe Biden and ‘artificial lights’ at Pennsylvania rally
President Donald Trump went after Fox News and blasted several Democratic candidates angling to unseat him during a Pennsylvania rally.
Trump delays tariffs on auto imports, gives negotiators six months to find deal with EU, Japan
Trump signed a proclamation Friday that sets a six month deadline for U.S. officials to reach an agreement on auto imports with Europe and Japan.
‘Look what I did to her sons.’ Trump fires back at Barbara Bush remarks in new biography
President Donald Trump dismissed criticism from former first lady Barbara Bush detailed in the book, The Matriarch, by Susan Page of USA TODAY.
Mexico border closing: Trump and US face logistical nightmare if he follows through with threats
President Trump faces huge logistical and legal challenges in his effort to close the U.S.-Mexico border, where thousands cross legally each day.
Trump tells Republican lawmakers they’ll get ‘clobbered’ if they don’t overhaul Obamacare
Trump delivered a pep talk on health care to Republicans on Tuesday, telling House members the party will get “clobbered” if they fail to address it.
Trump border closing? Republicans, Chamber of Commerce question president’s latest threat
Border-state Republicans and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce balked Monday at President Trump’s latest threat to close the U.S.-Mexico border.
‘The party of healthcare’: How Donald Trump is reshaping his strategy post-Mueller
Donald Trump used a Grand Rapids rally to debut a post-Mueller strategy that includes reviving battles on healthcare, immigration and other issues.
Trump calls for release of classified documents tied to Russia probe in Fox News interview
Trump said Wednesday he intends to release classified documents the FBI used to launch a probe of Russian interference in the 2016.