Typically, new emoji are announced early in the year and added to iPhone and Android in September. But the pandemic is pushing that back.
Author: Dalvin Brown, USA TODAY
Report: Tesla to furlough employees, cut pay due to COVID-19
Other large automakers such as Honda and Nissan have furloughed employees amid the pandemic as consumer demand for new cars plummets.
Facebook’s new Tuned messaging app is for couples only
The Facebook app for couples, called Tuned, lets partners exchange messages, music and build a digital scrapbook.
Don’t worry about a grocery delivery slot, Instacart will pair you with a real-time shopper
For weeks, customers in many markets had a hard time finding a delivery slot as the coronavirus crisis drove more people to stay indoors.
Apple is designing and shipping 1 million face shields per week for medical workers
The company is working with governments around the world to distribute face shields to where they’re needed most to slow the spread of COVID-19.
What to do with newfound time at home during coronavirus crisis? Google’s latest doodle has some ideas.
Google recently published a Doodle to underscore the importance of staying home during the ongoing coronavirus crisis.
Walmart ramps up cleaning efforts after 2 Chicago-area employees die from coronavirus
Neither of the two workers had been at the Evergreen Park store for at least a week, Walmart told the area’s local chapter of CBS News.
Scammers are creating Netflix lookalikes to target people staying at home, study finds
More than 30,103 new coronavirus-related domains were registered in the past two weeks. The number posing as Netflix doubled. Zoom is also a favorite.
Lamborghini is hand stitching face masks to fight COVID-19
The automaker is converting departments of its super sports car production plant in Europe to produce surgical masks and plexiglass shields.
‘Your roots are showing’: Photo editing apps surge after salons shut down amid coronavirus
In the age of coronavirus, Americans are editing and posting more content on social media than ever before.