An amazing discovery in the Netherlands with religious and historic value. Veuer’s Nick Cardona details that story.
Author: Buzz60
‘Pervasive’ knife crime in Britain reaches record numbers
The UK is grappling with a record number of stabbings. One man may have the solution. Nathan Rousseau Smith has the details.
Here are the best places for Americans to live this year
U.S. News & World Report created a list of the 125 Best Places to Live in the USA and Austin, Texas is number one on the list! See if your city made the cut!
One of Stephen Hawking’s theories about black holes may have just been proven wrong
Stephen Hawking theorized that the invisible substance known as dark matter is actually made up of primordial black holes.
27 years later, woman wakes up from comatose state
A woman in the United Arab Emirates has woken up after 27 years of being in a comatose state. Veuer’s Sam Berman has the full story.
This grandma’s photo of space is so cool NASA featured it on its website
A 60-year-old grandma and amateur astronomer took an image of the night sky that was so cool, NASA featured it on their site.
Watch these adorable baby porcupine twins live their best lives
Staff at a wildlife park got an adorable surprise when they discovered twin porcupines were recently born.
The mystery of The Loch Ness Monster may finally be solved
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the Loch Ness monster at some point.
Scientists discover the moon is covered in miles-deep cracks
Asteroids have been bombarding the moon for billions of years, and apparently, the impact goes much deeper than just the main crater region.
This cluster of squirrels all want to be seen
These squirrels live in Japan and they just want to be seen in this tree. Keri Lumm reports.