Holy honey! That’s a lot of bees! Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
Author: Buzz60
This Hubble wide-view image shows 265,000 galaxies going back 13.3 billion years
This new wide-view image of the distant universe by NASA and the ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope shows 265,000 galaxies.
Would you eat insect ice cream? Scientists are developing more bug-based foods
Will we be eating maggot sausages and insect ice-cream in the near future? Buzz60’s Tony Spitz has the details.
This is the best way to keep your battery life
Here are the ways to keep your phone’s battery life. Buzz60’s Natasha Abellard has the story.
11-year-old piano virtuoso earns a scholarship after just 15 months of playing
This pre-teen is wow-ing fans who see her play, especially since she just picked it up 15 months ago!
GOP congressman claims Russia has nukes in Venezuela
Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart says if the Maduro regime survives, it could be an open door for the Russians and Chinese to affect U.S. national security.
Bobby Brown slams Chris Rock
Bobby Brown is not laughing at Chris Rock’s joke about Whitney Houston.
Jaguar Land Rover wants you to hand over your driving data and will give you crypto
Elizabeth Keatinge tells us about a new program from Jaguar/Land Rover that awards drivers cryptocurrency if they share information.
These great perks you get with Amazon Prime nobody talks about
If you’re have Amazon Prime, you’re getting way more than just quick delivery. Nathan Rousseau smith shows us the little known perks to Prime.
Nickelodeon double dares you to try its new Slime ice cream
If you’re still a little bummed that you never got slimed on a Nickelodeon show, well, the company’s new ice cream is probably for you.