Prince Philip had a car accident, and now someone is selling what they say is the wreckage on eBay for charity. Keri Lumm reports.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
The trick to snatching the freshest doughnuts
What’s better than a doughnut? A fresh doughnut! Buzz60’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has more.
We spend 700 hours a year reading
The average bookworm spends 700 hours a year taking a look in a book, just like Reading Rainbow told us to. And it turns out that breaks down to about two reading hours a day.
12-year-old girl dies after snow fort collapses on her
A 12-year-old girl is dead after a snow fort she built collapsed on her in a Chicago suburb. Veuer’s Nick Cardona has that story.
Utah’s new DUI law will be toughest in the nation
Just in time to ring in 2019, Utah will start a stricter drunk driving law which lowers the legal blood alcohol content from 0.08 percent to 0.05 percent. Veuer’s Justin Kircher has more.
PayPal will fund $25M in cash advances for unpaid federal workers
PayPal is dishing out up to $25 million dollars in cash to federal workers who are going without pay during the partial government shutdown. Veuer’s Sam Berman has the full story.
Tiffany sales fall during holiday season
In a recent press release, Tiffany & Co. said it’s worldwide sales during the holiday season fell 2 percent. Veuer’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
A university is giving students bubble wrap for stress relief
The snack chip Pringles has the catchphrase “Once you pop, the fun don’t stop.” I think the same thing can be said of bubble wrap and one university might agree. Buzz60’s Mercer Morrison has the story.
New study reveals the average American’s credit card balance
Cash may be king, but if that’s true, then credit cards are the ace.
Scientists just figured out how long a day is on Saturn
Thanks to new data from NASA’s late Cassini spacecraft, we finally know how long a day lasts on Saturn by looking at wave patterns of the planet’s rings.