Seal Island in South Africa has long been a notorious hunting ground for great white sharks who would go airborne in their pursuit of seals.
Author: Buzz60, Buzz60
Quirky tips to nail that job interview
If you’re nervous about an upcoming job interview, here are some helpful and yes, quirky, unconventional tips to get you that job. Buzz60’s Justin Kircher has the details.
The largest supermoon of 2019 is coming
February will grace us with the closest full moon of the year, making it look bigger and brighter than usual.
The ancient French may have inspired the builders of Stonehenge
Several theories think they know who built Stonehenge, but where did the inspiration for the iconic site come from?
Earth’s magnetic field vibrates like a drum when hit by impulses
Earth is apparently a giant instrument. When strong impulses hit the magnetopause, or the shield’s outer boundary, ripples create a pattern much like the booming of a drum.
Owner of a working USB stick discovered in seal feces has been found
After a working USB stick was found in some leopard seal feces, the mystery owner of the stick his been found.
Tips to avoid parents ruining your wedding
You’re engaged!Congratulations! Now it’s time to get real and ready to fight, because the journey down the aisle can be harsh one. Buzz60’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has more.
Science may be the last hope for saving chocolate
The world’s chocolate supply is quickly dying, but there is hope. Buzz60’s Tony spitz has the details.
Nanny accused of force-feeding infant convicted of murder
A nanny in Maryland…convicted after force-feeding an 8-month-old girl to death. Veuer’s Nick Cardona has that story.
Candidates rake in big bucks via campaign merchandise
Merchandise sales are big bucks for presidential candidates on the campaign trail.