
AP Top Stories May 23 A

Here’s the latest for Thursday May 23rd: Violent tornado hits Jefferson City, Missouri; Evacuations in Oklahoma due to floods; Pentagon has plans for more troops in Mideast; Man rescued from ledge of burning building.


Mnuchin: $20 bill redesign with Tubman on hold

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said that a decision by his predecessor, Jacob Lew, to put African-American abolitionist leader Harriett Tubman on the $20 bill would be delayed and will not happen in 2020. (May 22)



Tornado damage near Joplin, Missouri

A tornado skirted just a few miles north of Joplin, Missouri, on the eighth anniversary of a catastrophic tornado that killed 161 people in the city. The tornado caused damage in the nearby town of Carl Junction. (May 23)
